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Roary Murchison ( Redding 1957 )

posted: Feb 22, 2015

Dr. Roary A. Murchison Jr., an emergency room physician who helped found three occupational medical clinics, died at his Woodland Hills, California, home August 27, 1990. He was 52.

A native of Alabama, Roary graduated from Ohio State University College of Medicine in the early 1960s and later served as a doctor on a U.S. Army Special Forces A-Team during the Vietnam War. He worked as an emergency room physician in Chino, CA, before coming to Woodland Hills in 1980.

Roary was one of the founders of the California Occupational Medical Clinics, which had offices in Canoga Park, Saugus and Rancho Cucamonga. In the early 1980s, he was on the staff at Tarzana Regional Medical Center and Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital.

Roary jumped at Redding 1957 through 1962. Thanks to Joe Lord (MSO-56) for the obit information.