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Dalmer Kaufman ( McCall 1945 )

posted: Nov 2, 2022

D.P., 94, died January 14, 2021, in Newton, Kansas. He was born June 16, 1926, in Moundridge, Kansas, the fifth of ten children. He was listed as being a member of the Mennonite Church when he was drafted into Civilian Public Service from Peabody, Kansas, in 1944. His occupation at the time was “Farmer/Stockman.” He jumped at McCall during the 1945 season and had seven fire jumps in addition to his training jumps.

He attended Bethel College in 1947 and played football. D.P. lived in Durham, Kansas, where he had been a farmer and stockman on the family farm. Dalmer had been a Sunday School Superintendent, a School Board member and was on the Board of the Durham Cooperative Grain Elevator group.