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Paul H. Evenson ( Missoula 1973 )

posted: Oct 13, 2021

Paul, 81, died October 9, 2021. Paul was born March 21, 1940. Paul's younger years were spent in Minnesota where he attended elementary and high school. Following high school graduation, he joined the Army and served for three years.

He served on a lookout, became a smokejumper (MSO 1972-82), and was the Regional Helicopter Operations Specialist in the final years of his career. He traveled extensively either fighting fire or teaching others to fight fire safely around helicopters. He was recognized by several federal agencies for his work in standardizing procedures and policies to ensure safer working conditions for people on the ground fighting fires.

Following his retirement from the Forest Service he found a new job-volunteering back to the Forest Service. He volunteered much of his time at the Rocky Mountain Ranger Station where he had quick access to the Bob Marshall Wilderness.

He often said it was the best job ever. His duties involved using horses and mules to supply food and other supplies and equipment to wilderness sites in the Bob Marshall Wilderness.