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Edwin W. Harmening ( Missoula 1950 )

posted: Jul 21, 2020

Ed died October 16, 2012, at Fort Wayne, Indiana, at the age of 81. He was born January 8, 1931, in Waverly, Iowa. While still in high school, he headed west with his brother and other friends in 1948 for work in Yellowstone Park (BRC work) though he may not have been fully truthful about his age. His summers continued in this manner through his high school graduation until he was accepted into the jumper program in 1950. This was a slow summer and he only had opportunity for one fire jump before the base began early terminations.

Ed went back to Yellowstone in a 1931 Model-A convertible coupe that he purchased for $100 in Missoula and picked up a labor construction job working on the Park's road maintenance crew until the Park closed. He sold the car to fellow jumper, Chuck Sena (MSO-50), and headed home.

Ed returned to Iowa too late to begin classes in the regular manner and the Korean Conflict was heating up. He enlisted in the Army and headed for Fort Riley, KS, and then to Camp Carson, CO, and assignment to the 547th Armored Field Artillery Battalion. He was recommended for and
completed OCS training.

Following training, he married and continued his military obligation until his separation from service on December 18, 1953.

Ed resumed his education, attending DePaul University in Chicago, Indiana University and later the University of Dayton receiving a degree in Economics and Business Administration. Ed worked for Old Fort Supply Company, Inc. of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and D & N Micro-Products. He is buried at Highland Park Cemetery in Fort Wayne, Indiana.